Symposium on addiction treatment
7:30 AM07:30

Symposium on addiction treatment

Innovations in Addiction Treatment: Clinical and Holistic Approaches to Individual & Family Care

Newport Hospital, the Gruben Charitable Foundation and Salve Regina are pleased to present a free, one-day behavioral health symposium. Experts will share evidence-based knowledge for attendees to put into practice. They will address the topics of addiction, parenting, ADHD, and a multi-generational, cross-cultural approach to trauma, resilience, and healing.

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ADHD lecture
3:30 PM15:30

ADHD lecture

On Saturday 7 September 2019, at the Cape Cod Symposium on Addictive Disorders, iCAAD and The Gruben Charitable Foundation (GCF) join C4 Recovery Solutions in hosting Dr. Constant Mouton from the Netherlands, who will present on his field of expertise: ADHD and Addiction.

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Internet use disorders lecture
to May 8

Internet use disorders lecture

For the last 3 years, The Gruben Charitable Foundation has been supporting USA/Europe cross-pollination exchanges of knowledge, speakers, and contributions between CCSAD’s C4 conference at Cape Cod and iCAAD’s conference in London, contributing massively to and allying in with iCAAD’s mission statement: A platform dedicated to expanding knowledge, exchanging ideas advancing the prevention and treatment of behavioral, mental, and emotional health issues. 

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Burnout lecture
9:00 AM09:00

Burnout lecture

  • Resort and Conference Center at Hyannis (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Gruben Charitable Foundation sponsors lecture on burnout at Cape Cod symposium

On September 16, 2018, the International Conference on Addiction and Associate Disorders (iCAAD) & the Gruben Charitable Foundation presented international expert speaker Dr Philippe Wuyts at the prestigious Cape Cod Symposium on Addictive Disorders, Hyannis, MA.

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